Sebald de Weert

Sebald de Weert

Sebald or Sebalt de Weert (May 2 1567, Antwerp - May 30 or June 1603, Batticaloa) was a Dutch captain and vice-admiral of the Dutch East India Company (known in Dutch as "Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie", VOC). He is most widely remembered for accurately plotting the Falkland Islands in 1600.

Early life

De Weert was born in 1567 in Antwerp, the sixth of 17 children of Johannes (Jan or Hans) Sweerts de Weert (1538-?) en Clara (Claartje) Wonderer (1541-1595). The family soon (Jan 10, 1569) left Antwerp for Cologne, in Hans' own words to escape the "tyranny and persecution". In 1575/6 the family moved to Amsterdam, between 1579 and 1584 they were back in Antwerp, and by 1586 they lived in Middelburg. [M.G. Wildeman "Bijdrage tot de familiegeschiedenis van 't geslacht Sweerts de Weert", "Taxandria (1908). Vol 15(2):44-47, 81-85 ] . Sebald was originally employed as a ship's navigator with the VOC (in Middelburg?), and over the years worked his way up to vice admiral in the Dutch East India Company. He signed his name "Sebalt", but had the official Latinized name "Sebaldus", and has often been referred to in English and French as "Sebalde" de Weert, and in Spanish and Portuguese as "Sebaldo" de Weert.

Beginning of the Straits of Magellan – Moluccas voyage

In and around the year 1598, several exploratory expeditions left Rotterdam for eastern discovery traveling in many different routes. On June 27, 1598, a voyage of five ships with 494 men under the command of Jacques Mahu and financed by Pieter van den Hagen and Johan van der Veken, two wealthy Dutch retailers, and equipped by Magelhaanse Compagnie, left Goeree (Holland), bound for the Moluccas, in the Dutch East Indies. They headed Southwest toward the Straits of Magellan in South America, intending to navigate the straits then turn Northwestern toward Asia.

The ships with their (initial) captains were: "Hoop" ("Hope"), captain Jacques Mahu, leader of the expedition, "Liefde" ("Love"), captain Simón de Cordes, second-in-command, "Geloof" ("Believe"), captain Gerrit van Beuningen, "Trouwe" ("Faith"), captain Jurriaan van Boekhout, and finally "Blijde Boodschap" ("Good Tiding" or "The Gospel"), captain Sebald de Weert. The "Blijde Boodschap" was better known as "Vliegend Hart" ("Flying heart") prior to this particular voyage.

After leaving European waters the ships spent April 2 to September 29 at the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa. Many of the crew of the Hoop caught fever there, with some of the men dying, among them Admiral Jacques Mahu. He died on September 23, 1598, leaving the expedition without its leader. Simón de Cordes replaced Mahu's command with Gerrit van Beuningen becoming vice-admiral. As such Van Beuningen was moved to the flagship which led to Sebald de Weert moving to relieve van Beuningen of command of the Geloof. Due to an outbreak of scurvy, the vessels made a short diversion from December 16, 1598, to January 2, 1599, to take on supplies in Annobón an African trading island south of São Tomé Island. The flotilla finally crossed the Atlantic in January 1599 and reached the Straits of Magellan on April 7, 1599. Much to their dismay they found they were unable to sail for more than another four months due to strong adverse winds. The fleet wintered in the Fortesene Bay until August 23 and until August 28 in Ridres Bay. During this time around 120 more of the crew died due to the harsh weather and hostile Patagonian natives, even though the ships still had enough provisions at this time.

Tough times in dire straits

On September 3, 1599, the Pacific was finally reached. The ships ran into more trouble as they were caught in a torrential storm with three of the vessels getting lost from the "Geloof" and "Trouwe", who never lost sight of one another during the storm and both wound up being swept back into the Straits of Magellan. When the "Geloof" finally lost sight of the "Trouwe", Captain De Weert found himself with a restless crew threatening to force a return home to the Netherlands. The "Trouwe" eventually found shelter from the weather at the Chilean island Chonos, where several of the crew including the group's new commander, Simón de Cordes, were eventually killed by natives. Those who survived never returned to Europe.

Both the "Hoop" and the "Liefde" also met hostile natives, who were most likely mistaken for Spaniards. The natives killed both ships' captains and a large number of crew members. After the ships found one another they decided to head in the direction of Japan rather than the Moluccas. The "Hoop" was later lost in a vicious storm but the Liefde, commanded by a new captain, Jacob Quaeckernaeck, with a decimated crew, eventually managed to reach Usuki in the province of Bungo on Kyushu Island by April 19, 1600. The men were so physically weakened by the trip that only six of the remaining 24 survivors were able to even walk.

The "Geloof" turns back to the Netherlands

Unlike his colleagues on the "Liefde", Sebald de Weert's ship never made it to Asia. He encountered the Dutch seafarer Olivier van Noort, who on his ship "Mauritius", would later become famous as the first Dutchman and only the fourth sea captain to circumnavigate the world. Van Noort would also be famous from the same journey as being the man who sank the Spanish galleon "San Diego" in Manila Bay.

Van Noort was still on the first leg of his historic voyage and was also to be on a northwestern track so Sebald de Weert attempted to join forces with the two Van Noort vessels. But de Weert's ship could not keep up due to his crew being phyically too weak and van Noort's ships being too fast. Nevertheless, both Van Noort and De Weert were eventually blown back eastward into the straits again where the two captains met for a second time. Having left Rotterdam with four ships Van Noort now had just lost two ships to terrible Straits of Magellan storms yet Van Noort was determined to press on across the Pacific. De Weert on the other hand hoped to strengthen his crew's physical condition prior to making another attempt at the Pacific. As such De Weert planned to sail his ship to the eastern part of the straits to hunt penguins in the "Penguin Islands". His plans did not come to fruition as strong winds blew the ship back east again. De Weert then decided to take his men back home to the Netherlands. On his way back, he sighted and tried to make landfall on the Falkland Islands (see below) in January 1600. The ship past the equator in March 1600 and visited the Azores on June 6. Upon finally reaching the Netherlands (Goeree) on July 13 1600, only 36 of the "Geloof"'s original 105 crew members were still alive.

De Weert's original command, the "Blijde Boodschap", had been so short on supplies that, in November 1599, they were forced to sail into the Spanish port of Valparaíso in Chili. The Spanish being in the 80-year war with the Dutch, the ship was immediately confiscated and the crew imprisoned for a long period of time. In fact, the captain, Dirck Gerritz Pomp, who had once worked for the Portuguese in Japan and China voyages, was held as long as 1604 when he had finally been released to return home due to a Dutch-Spanish prison exchange.

Ceylon voyage

It is known that Sebald de Weert made at least one other important sea voyage, which would be his last. In 1602, the Dutch East India Company (VOC), sent three ships under now Vice Admiral Sebald de Weert and Admiral Wijbrand van Warwijck with de Weert heading for Java, Sumatra, Ceylon and the Spice Islands. Warwyck was to split off once in Asia and visit China's coasts and establish trading posts, or “factories” as they were called in the day. Political intrigue would play a large role in De Weert's trip.

In competition with the Portuguese for influence in Ceylon, now modern day Sri Lanka, a Dutch envoy, Joris van Spilbergen, arrived at Batticaloa in July 1602 and met with Kandy based king Vimala Dharma Surya. Vimala Dharma Surya's kingdom had lost much of its geographical sphere of influence to the Portuguese. By the time of van Spilbergen's visit Vimala Dharma Surya was relegated to virtually a rebel leader based in the interior of Ceylon. Yet the situation had be ripe for the Dutch as Vimala Dharma Surya had come to terms with the fact that although the Portuguese were not quite a match for him inland, they had gained the upper hand along the coasts of Ceylon because they were militarily and commercially a great sea power. To compete, the king's forces either must also become such a power or they should effect an alliance which would act as a counter balance. Since the Portuguese then controlled most of the Ceylonese coastal areas and the Ceylonese as well had no background as sea farers, inland Kandy's naval development was highly doubtful. Vimala Dharma Surya considered a potential alliance with the Dutch to be an opportunity to stymie the Portuguese on the seas and in the coastal areas. To exploit the situation, van Spilbergen entered into negotiations with Vimala Dharma Surya promising commercial, naval and military assistance against their common adversary.

Sebald de Weert was sent to Ceylon officially by Admiral Wijbrand van Warwijck to follow through on implementing van Spilbergen's negotiation outcomes. De Weert had official Dutch backing with an offer to help Vimala Dharma Surya's Kandy based forces. It had been decided that the Kandy troops and Dutch forces would launch a joint offensive on the Portuguese. The mission went awry months later at a banquet dinner in May/June 1603. At the banquet many of the Dutch crew had apparently been rowdy and were misbehaving disrespectfully toward the hosts which was upsetting to the Kandyans. The king, Vimala Dharma Surya, was pressured by a quite drunken Vice Admiral De Weert to board the Dutch ship with him. Mistrusting the foreign party's intent as for such pressure could mean a hostile manoeuver and could be seen as a potentially direct threat to his life and rule, Vimala Dharma Surya became suspicious of De Weert's intentions and refused to go aboard. Vice Admiral de Weert, being drunk and unruly, insulted the king for his refusal. Vimala Dharma Surya then attempted to imprison de Weert and the Dutchman resisted vigorously. As such, Vice Admiral de Weert was immediately killed as well as all of the unruly Dutch crew.

De Weert's death dealt a blow to any Kandy-Dutch alliance in Ceylon until the next king, Senarat, succeeded to the Kandyan throne in 1604. Once in power Senarat began again to solicit Dutch support. In 1612 a new Dutch envoy, Marcelis Boschouwer, concluded a treaty of alliance with King Senarat. The king granted the Dutch extensive commercial concessions and a harbor for settlement on the east coast in return for a promise of armed assistance against any and all Portuguese attacks. Later the Dutch ousted the Portuguese from Ceylon and ruled until the next century when the British in turn ousted the Dutch and eventually took the whole island, including its holdout interior Kingdom of Kandy.

ebald de Weert's “unusual” natives"

During De Weert's time in the Magellan Straits there were some anthropologically noteworthy events that are associated with him. One instance of which is that De Weert and several crew claimed to have seen members of a “race of giants” while there. De Weert described a particular incident when he was with his men in boats rowing to an island in the Magellan Strait. The Dutch claimed to have seen seven odd-looking boats approaching with were full of naked giants. These giants supposedly had long hair and reddish-brown skin. The Dutch claim to have shot three of the giants dead with their muskets before the giants finally retreated to the shore. On the shore the giants were apparently able to uproot trees from the ground to protect themselves from the musket fire and they waited with spears and stones so they could attack the Dutch intruders should they make a beach head. In fear of the giants, the Dutch dared not land.

De Weert's claims to sightings of giants were not totally unusual for this region as Magellan also first recorded sighting in 1520 in the straits at San Julian. It was also claimed that Magellan captured two male giants as specimens to return to Europe, but the giants died en route. These creatures were supposedly over three meters tall. Many others including Francis Drake, Pedro Sarmiento, Tome Hernandez, and Anthony Knyvet claimed to have seen giants in the Straits of Magellan with the last sighting have been at Cabo Virgines in 1764 by Commodore John “Foul Weather Jack” Byron. De Weert's expedition is the only one to have claimed to have witnessed aggressive behavior on behalf of the giants.

Also according to Theodore de Bry (1528–98) in Part IX of his landmark "Historia Americae Sive Novi Orbis" (History of American Grand Voyages), Sebald de Weert reported how his crew had captured and imprisoned a Tierra del Fuegan mother with two children on the south side of the Magellan route heading eastward. While they released the mother and the younger child, they carried the older daughter forward to Europe, where she soon died. De Weert noted that the mother had fed the children on raw birds, which was an oddity well noted in de Bry's work.

ebald de Weert's heritage: "Sebald Islands"

It was on his homeward leg back to the Netherlands after having left the Straits of Magellan that De Weert noticed some unnamed and uncharted islands, at least islands that did not exist on his nautical charts. There he attempted to stop and replenish but was unable to land due to harsh conditions. The islands Sebald de Weert charted were a small group off the northwest coast of the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) and are in fact part of the Falklands. De Weert then named these islands the “Sebald de Weert Islands” and the Falklands as a whole were known as the Sebald Islands until well into the 18th century. In 1766, the British settlers of Saunders Island renamed the small group of the NW that De Weert had plotted Jason Islands and Carcass Island after the vessels Jason and Carcass on which they had arrived. In Spanish these are still known as the "Islas Sebaldes" or "Sebaldinas" for short.

Although Sebald de Weert is usually credited with first sighting the Falklands in 1598, both the Spanish and British claim their own explorers discovered the islands earlier. See History of the Falkland Islands for further reading.


External links

* [ Story of the ship "De Liefde"]
* [ Itinerary of Sebald de Weert's voyage to the South Sea and Magellan Strait]
* [ Image of the arrival of Sebald de Weert in Baticaloa]
* [ Image of the murder of Sebald de Weert in Baticaloa]

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