Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present)

Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present)

The War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has caused the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians directly from insurgent and foreign military action, as well as the deaths of possibly tens of thousands of Afghan civilians indirectly as a consequence of displacement, starvation, disease, exposure, lack of medical treatment, crime and lawlessness resulting from the war. The war, launched by the United States as "Operation Enduring Freedom" in 2001, began with an initial air campaign that almost immediately prompted concerns over the number of Afghan civilians being killed. [ US admits lethal blunders] ] With civilian deaths from airstrikes rising again in recent years [ Afghanistan: Civilian Deaths From Airstrikes] ] , the number of Afghan civilians being killed by foreign military operations has led to mounting tension between the foreign countries and the government of Afghanistan. In May 2007, President Hamid Karzai summoned military commanders to warn them of the consequences of further deaths. [ [ "Karzai anger over civilian deaths"] BBC News, 2007-05-02. Accessed 2007-05-02.] There are no official figures of civilian deaths caused by the invasion, so it is necessary to aggregate individual reports.


Aggregation of Estimates

Civilian casualties (2001-2003)

According to Marc W. Herold's extensive database, [ Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing] , between 3,100 and 3,600 civilians were directly killed by U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom bombing and Special Forces attacks between October 7, 2001 and June 3, 2003. This estimate counts only "impact deaths" - deaths that occurred in the immediate aftermath of an explosion or shooting - and does not count deaths that occurred later as a result of injuries sustained, or deaths that occurred as an indirect consequence of the U.S. airstrikes and invasion.

In an opinion article published in August 2002 in the neoconservative magazine The Weekly Standard, Joshua Muravchik of the American Enterprise Institute, a self-described neoconservative [] , questioned Professor Herold's study entirely on the basis of one single incident that involved 25-93 deaths. He did not provide any estimate his own. []

In a pair of January 2002 studies, Carl Conetta of the Project on Defense Alternatives estimates that, "at least" 4,200-4,500 civilians were killed by mid-January 2002 as a result of the U.S. war and airstrikes, both directly as casualties of the aerial bombing campaign, and indirectly in the humanitarian crisis that the war and airstrikes contributed to.

His first study, [ "Operation Enduring Freedom: Why a Higher Rate of Civilian Bombing Casualties?"] , released January 18, 2002, estimates that, at the low end, "at least" 1,000-1,300 civilians were directly killed in the aerial bombing campaign in just the 3 months between October 7, 2001 to January 1, 2002. The author found it impossible to provide an upper-end estimate to direct civilian casualties from the Operation Enduring Freedom bombing campaign that he noted as having an increased use of cluster bombs [] . In this lower-end estimate, only Western press sources were used for hard numbers, while heavy "reduction factors" were applied to Afghan government reports so that their estimates were reduced by as much as 75% [] .

In his companion study, [ "Strange Victory: A critical appraisal of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Afghanistan war"] , released January 30, 2002, Conetta estimates that "at least" 3,200 more Afghans died by mid-January 2002, of "starvation, exposure, associated illnesses, or injury sustained while in flight from war zones", as a result of the U.S. war and airstrikes.

In similar numbers, a Los Angeles Times review of U.S., British, and Pakistani newspapers and international wire services found that between 1,067 and 1,201 direct civilian deaths were reported by those news organizations during the five months from October 7, 2001 to February 28, 2002. This review excluded all civilian deaths in Afghanistan that did not get reported by U.S., British, or Pakistani news, excluded 497 deaths that did get reported in U.S., British, and Pakistani news but that were not specifically identified as civilian or military, and excluded 754 civilian deaths that were reported by the Taliban but not independently confirmed. []

According to Jonathan Steele of The Guardian, up to 20,000 Afghans may have died as a consequence of the first four months of U.S. airstrikes on Afghanistan. [,11447,718647,00.html]

Civilian and overall casualties (2005)

An estimated 1,700 people were killed in 2005 according to an Associated Press count, including civilians, insurgents and security forces members. [ [ America's War on Afghanistan ] ] [ [ Afghanistan News February 7, 2006 ] ] Some 600 policemen were killed between Hamid Karzai's election as president of Afghanistan in early December 2004 and mid-May 2005. [ [ Afghanistan's new jihad targets poppy production | ] ]

Civilian and overall casualties (2006)

A report by Human Rights Watch said that 4,400 Afghans had been killed in 2006, more than 1,000 of them civilians. Some 2,077 militants were killed in Coalition operations between September 1 and December 13. [ [ 2,000 killed in Afghanistan since Sept. - ] ]

An Associated Press tally based on reports from Afghan, NATO and coalition officials puts the overall death toll slightly lower, at about 4,000, most of them militants. [ [ Rise in Afghan deaths reported - Afghanistan - ] ]

More than 1,900 people were killed in the first eight months of the year by the end of August. [ [ People's Daily Online - 1 NATO soldier killed, 7 wounded in Afghanistan ] ]

Civilian and overall casualties (2007)

More than 7,700 people were killed in 2007, including: 1,019 Afghan policemen [ [ AFGHANISTAN: Families of killed police lack support] ] ; 4,478 militants [ [ U.S. casualties in Afghanistan hit record - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times ] ] ; 1,980 civilians [ [ Afghanistan Conflict Monitor: ] ] and 232 foreign soldiers [ [ iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom ] ] .

Civilian and overall casualties (2008)

The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported in September 2008 that 1,445 Afghan civilians had been killed in the first eight months of 2008, a 39% increase over the same period in 2007. [ New UN figures show sharp rise in Afghan civilian casualties] ] [,,-7802931,00.html UN: 1,445 Afghan civilians killed in 2008 violence] ]

According to UNAMA's report, 800 of these deaths were caused by the Taliban and other insurgent forces, while 577 deaths were caused by U.S., NATO, and Afghan government forces, of which 395 deaths were caused by foreign airstrikes. An additional 68 civilians were killed in crossfire or other incidents in which responsibility could not be clearly attributed.

Afghanistan's Interior Ministry reported in September 2008 that militants had killed 720 police officers over the last six months, compared with a total of around 925 police deaths in all of 2007. [ [ Afghan civilian deaths up 40 per cent this year, UN warns] ]

According to an Associated Press tally of figures from Western and Afghan officials, in all, more than 4,200 people - mostly militants - have been killed in the war so far this year.

Civilian casualties by insurgent forces

In the initial airstrikes and invasion, most of the direct civilian deaths were the result of U.S.-led airstrikes and groundfire. In the years since 2005, the mounting insurgency has resulted in more direct civilian deaths being caused each year by insurgent actions than by coalition military action. Overall, however, the number of direct civilian casualties that have been attributed to insurgent forces by the available estimates remains less than the number that have been attributed to U.S.-led airstrikes and groundfire since 2001.

Major casualties and accidental strikes by coalition forces

From late 2001 up to now, there have been numerous incidents of civilians killed in military operations against Taliban and Al-Qaida fighters, although U.S.-led coalition and NATO forces say they go to extreme lengths to avoid civilian casualties. The international troops accuse insurgents of blending in with local populations while attacking foreign and Afghan soldiers. The following is a list of some of the specific incidents in which civilian casualties have occurred as a result of actions by coalition forces.


*On October 9, 2001, in a news conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, a United Nations spokeswoman reported that a cruise missile had killed four U.N. employees and injured four others in a building several miles east of Kabul. The casualties were Afghans employed as security guards by the Afghan Technical Consultancy, the U.N. demining agency (Afghanistan is the most heavily mined country on the planet). [cite news|url= |publisher=BBC |date=2001, October 23 |title=UN workers killed by bombing] The Taliban reported about 8 to 20 civilian casualties, unconfirmed by independent sources. [cite news|title=A Scaling Back, Anger in the Streets and American Determination |date=2001, October 9 |publisher=The New York Times |author=Haberman, Clyde |page=Page B1]

*On October 10, 2001, the Sultanpur mosque in Jalalabad was bombed ( [ BBC] ) twice - once during prayer, and again when rescue workers returned to remove the wounded and the dead. Initial casualty estimates ranged from 15-70 in the first attack, and up to 120 in the second. This two-hit bombing was repeated later on November 19, when 32 people were killed in Shamshad and then the rescuers were hit again. Several other mosques were bombed later, such as the Kunduz mosque on October 12 and the particularly deadly bombing of the Kala Shah Pir village mosque on October 23. On the same day, the villages of Darunta, Torghar, and Farmada were bombed, killing between 28 and 100 people.

*On October 11, 2001, the village of Karam was completely destroyed. ( [,,573883,00.html "The Guardian"] ) Reporters on the scene reported having to hold their noses due to the smell. Between 160 and 200 people, in addition to their livestock, were killed, as reported by the surviving villagers. In response, Donald Rumsfeld stated "We do not have information that validates any of that", but added that Washington's information on the ground was "imperfect". Al-Qaeda was believed to have training camps and ammunition storage tunnels in the area around Karam.

*On October 17, 2001, downtown Kandahar was targeted with bombs and rockets in the area around a ministry building; the bombing destroyed several dozen stores and homes, and killing between 40 and 47 people. This was repeated the following day elsewhere in Kandahar, where bombs near the Kepten intersection destroyed a bazaar and killed between 10 and 47 additional people. This began a relatively deadly few days, where 40 people were killed in the Kabul area on the 18th, several dozen people were killed in Tarin Kot on the 19th, and 60-70 were killed in Herat and 50 killed in Kandahar on the 20th.Fact|date=February 2007

*On October 21, 2001, the casualty rate peaked with the bombing of a hospital and mosque in Herat. The 200 bed hospital, used for both military and civilian patients, was reportedly not the target; the target was convert|300|ft|m away. Approximately 100 bodies were found among the wreckage. On the same day, over 20 people (including 9 children) died when the tractor trailer used by several families to flee Tarin Kut was bombed (similar to an event on October 24); a stray bomb in the Parod Gajadad district of Khair Khana destroyed two homes; in another district of Khair Khana, 18 people were killed when 17 homes were destroyed by a bomb that missed a military base by 1/2 mile (800 m); 5 people from Kabul's Kaluezaman Khan neighborhood were killed; an 8 year old girl was killed in Macroyan, Kabul; 11 people were killed in Tarin Kut; and 3 were killed in Kandahar city. The following day, the casualty rate didn't fall much, with the coalition stepping up the targeting of fuel trucks and the accidental bombing of homes and shops in several cities, killing well over 100 people.Fact|date=February 2007

*On October 23, 2001, the village of Chowkar Kariz was destroyed; testimony from the survivors indicated a casualty number between 52 and 93. Times journalist Paul Rogers reported that "not a single house has been left intact" and that "evidence that this remote spot had ever been used for military or terrorist purposes is non-existent." In the face of opposition from human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, U.S. officials continued to claim that the town was a "fully legitimate target" and that "the people there are dead because we wanted them dead." This was the last major case of civilian casualties for the next few weeks, as incidents dropped to an average of four per day and an average of about 8 casualties per said attack. The most lethal attack between the 23rd and November 4, 2001 was an attack on residential areas in Kabul on October 29 that took 25 lives.Fact|date=February 2007

* October 26, 2001, Twenty three people were killed in a bombing raid in the village Thori in the Urozgan province. [ [ Afghanistan: U.S. Bombs Kill Twenty-three Civilians] ]

*On November 5, 2001, an upswing in civilian casualties occurred with major attacks on Kabul and villages in the Balkh province. The most deadly of the attacks occurred in Ogopruk village, near Mazar e Sharif, where 36 people in a residential area were killed by stray bombs. The daily civilian casualty rate remained over 50 through November 10, where it peaked with attacks on three villages near Khakrez that killed approximately 125 people.Fact|date=February 2007

*On November 13, 2001, an American missile went "awry", according to the Pentagon, and destroyed the Al-Jazeera bureau in Kabul. In (November 27, 2003 Hearst Newspapers,

*On November 17, 2001, 62 people were killed in the bombing of a Madrassa in Khost, while 42 nomads were killed near Maiwand, two families with a total of 30 people were killed in Charikar village, 28 people were killed in Zani Khel village, and other scattered attacks took another 13 lives.Fact|date=February 2007

*November 18, 2001 proved to be one of the more deadly days of bombing in the conflict. Scores of Gypsies were killed in Kundar, 100-150 people were killed in villages near Khanabad in an attack described by witnesses as "carpet bombing", 35 people were killed in Shamshad village, and 24 in Garikee Kah village. Several of these villages were near the front lines, and were likely hit by stray bombs. A similar error occurred on November 20 when 40 people were killed as their mud houses collapsed from a stray bomb in a village near the Kunduz front line.Fact|date=February 2007

*An incident, similar to the October 9 incident, killed 12 people at another mine clearing facility. Fact|date=February 2007

*On November 25, 2001, 92 people (including 18 women and 7 children) were killed by bombing in Kandahar. On the same day, 70 people were killed when cluster bombs were dropped in the Kunduz area, as well as scattered deaths in Adha village and Takhta-Pal.Fact|date=February 2007

*On December 1, 2001, about 100 people were killed by 25 bombs in their houses in the village of Kama Ado. Kandahar city reported numerous civilian casualties, while four trucks and five busses carrying passengers fleeing the war were hit on a highway, killing 30. Talkhel and Balut villages suffered 50 casualties, while Chperagem village suffered 28. About 20 people were killed in the Agam district, while 15 people died in refugee vehicles in Arghisan, and over 30 people died in the Jada area near Herat. It proved to be another particularly lethal day in the conflict for civilians. The subsequent days were little improved. About 150 civilians died across the country on December 2 in a variety of villages. In the same week, over 300 villagers in the white mountains near Tora Bora, as US forces attacked villages which fighters passed through, hoping to kill any which remained in the area. [ More Afghan children die in raids] ]

*After the Tora Bora bombing campaign, the effort dispersed to kill Taliban and al-Qaeda members fleeing with their families, and focused on the Paktia and Paktika provinces. Numerous villages were hit shortly after the leaders passed through, leaving a chain of destruction following their path. The first place to be struck was Mashikhel in Paktia, in what inaccurate intelligence had said was a Taliban base. The city's mosque (Saqawa) was hit, killing 10 and injuring 12. The bombing then moved to Mashkhel, killing another 16 civilians. On December 20, 2001, U.S. AC-130 gunships and Navy fighters attacked and destroyed a convoy in Afghanistan believed to be carrying the leaders and struck surrounding villages. The convoy turned out to be carrying tribal elders heading to the inauguration ceremony for Hamid Karzai; between 20 and 65 people died. Overnight on the 27th, US forces struck at the village of Naka. Between 25 and 40 people were killed, 5-25 houses were destroyed, and 4-60 people were injured; however, US forces got one of their targets (the Taliban's Minister of Security, Qari Ahmadullah) and two sons of a commander they were also seeking (Maulvi Ahmed Taha). Taha himself was not killed in the attack. The next night, the village of Shekhan was bombed, killing 15 civilians and destroying three houses. Fact|date=February 2007

*The following day (December 31, 2001), one of the largest single incidents of civilian casualties in the entire war occurred: at least one U.S. fighter jet, a B-52 bomber and two helicopters swooped on Qalaye Niazi near Gardez, killing over 100 people. The area was littered with craters; one person (Janat Gul) recounted how all other 24 members of her family were killed. Body parts were reported scattered throughout the streets; the United Nations has confirmed that all of the dead were civilians. [ [,1284,628666,00.html Bloody evidence of US blunder] ]


*On July 1, 2002, 48 people at a wedding party in a village in Oruzgan province were killed, and a further 117 injured, in a bombing raid. [ [ Eyewitness: Villager describes attack] ] New figures from October 2006 say that 46 people were killed.The name of the village is Del Rawad, though early reports gave its name as Kakrakai or Kakrak. Gunfire meant to celebrate the wedding was apparently mistaken by US military for hostile gunfire. A B-52 bomber and AC-130 gunship were both involved in the incident, which reportedly went on for over an hour. The victims included many women and children. Some survivors were treated in Mirwai Hospital in Kandahar, and at least four children were treated at military hospitals in Bagram and Kandahar. The incident resulted in a formal protest, and later a warning, from the Afghan government. An anti-American rally was held in Kabul on July 5 as a protest against the incident. On July 3, US President George Bush expressed "deep condolences for the loss of human life", and US authorities later stated that the area affected by the bombing would be rebuilt. Several inquiries into the incident were undertaken. [ [ Pentagon team to examine bomb error] ] According to "The Times", a preliminary UN report has stated that US forces arrived at the scene of the bombing raid and removed vital evidence. [ CNN reporting on the "Times" report] However, this has been dismissed as false by the Afghan government. United States bombs have also struck a Kabul residential area and struck near and damaged a military hospital (according to the U.N.) or an elderly home (according to the Pentagon) in Herat.


*February 2003 - At least 17 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in coalition bombing raids in a mountainous region Helmand province. [ [ 17 Afghan villagers 'killed in American bombing raids'] ]

*February 2003 - Reuters reported that, according to locals, 8 civilians were killed in the Baghran Valley area of Helmand province when a U.S. bomber and gunship attacked the area.

*April 9, 2003 - Eleven Afghans, seven of them women, were killed and one wounded when a stray U.S. laser-guided bomb hit a house on the outskirts of Shkin in Paktika province.

*September 2003 - At least eight civilians died in a U.S. air strike in the Naw Bahar district of the Zabul province that also killed a Taliban commander. [ [ Afghanistan Report 25 September 2003] ] [ Afghanistan: U.S. Military Should Investigate Civilian Deaths] ]

*October 30, 2003 - In a small hamlet near the village of Aranj in the Waygal district of Nuristan province, Afghanistan, six people of the same family were killed when a house was bombarded by U.S. warplanes. The house belonged to a former provincial governor, Ghulam Rabbani, who was in Kabul at the time. The raid was aimed at Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Mullah Faqirullah, both of whom had left the area just hours before. The victims (three children, an adolescent, a young man and an old woman) were all relatives of Mullah Rabbani. [ [ The Massacre at Aranas on the Waygal River, Nuristan Province] ]

*November 15, 2003 - Six civilians died when a U.S. warplane dropped a bomb in the Barmal district of Paktika province. [ [ US denies Afghan civilians killed] ]

*December 5, 2003 - Near Gardez in Paktia province, an air and ground attack by U.S. special forces on a compound, used by a rebel commander Mullah Jalani to store munitions, killed six children and two adults.

*December 6. 2003 - According to both villagers and the U.S. military, 9 children - 7 boys and 2 girls from the ages of 9 to 12 - and a 25-year-old man were killed when two U.S. A-10 Thunderbolt II planes targeted the village of Hutala with rockets and guns. Mullah Wazir, the intended target, was not at home at the time. U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad stated the next day that Wazir was killed in the attack, but retracted the statement shortly after. Names and ages of the children killed: Habibullah, 11; Obaidullah, 10; Faizullah, 9; Ismail Jan, 11; Nabi Jan, 9; Habibullah, 12; Aminullah, 9; Bibi Toara, 10; and Bibi Tamama, 9. [ [ CNN News; "Afghans understand deaths - U.S." December 7, 2003] accessed 16 July 2006.]


*January 18, 2004 - 11 civilians - 4 children and 7 adults - were killed by a U.S. air strike on a house in the village of Saghatho. [ [ 11 Civilians Reported Killed In a U.S. Raid In Afghanistan] ]


*July 1, 2005 An "unknown number" of noncombatants are killed in an airstrike in Kunar province. [ [ United States Department of Defence] ] A second source dates the incident on July 3 and gives quotes the number of victims as 17. [ [ US military reprisal in Afghanistan kills 17 civilians] ]


*January 14,2006, Several missiles are fired over the Afghan border into the Pakistani village of Damadola in the Bajaur area. 18 civilians are killed [ [ 'Zawahiri' strike sparks protest] ]
*March 14, 2006 Canadian troops in Kandahar open fire on a taxi, killing one of its passengers, Nasrat Ali Hassan [ [ Canadian soldiers fatally shoot taxi driver] ]
* May 22, 2006 - 17 villagers were killed when coalition warplanes attacked Taliban forces in Kandahar Province. The U.S. military, which said dozens of militants also died in the fighting, expressed regret over the deaths. [ Civilians reported killed by airstrikes as NATO hunts Taliban] .] [ [ Coalition Air Strike Kills 80 Taliban Rebels in Afghanistan] ]
* August, 2006 Canadian troops shoot and kill an Afghan policeman [ [ Probe clears Canadians in Afghan police death] ]
*August 22, 2006 A 10 year old boy riding as a passenger on a motorcycle is shot and killed by Canadian troops in Kandahar [ [ National Post] ]
*October 18 2006, a rocket hit a house during a nighttime clash between suspected Taliban insurgents and NATO and Afghan security forces in the farming village of Tajikai, convert|135|mi|km west of Kandahar city. The rocket was fired from an aircraft and killed 13 villagers inside the home. A NATO spokesman said alliance jets and helicopters fired rockets and dropped bombs on Taliban positions in the area after 2 a.m.October 18 2006, but could not confirm that they hit a civilian house. He added that the Taliban had been using mortars in the area of the clash. About 100 families live in Tajikai.

*October 19, 2006 - Airstrikes by NATO helicopters hunting Taliban fighters ripped through three dried mud homes in southern Afghanistan as villagers slept early October 18, 2006. At least nine civilians were killed, including women and children, said residents and the provincial governor. Angry villagers in Ashogho condemned the attack, which set back NATO's hopes of winning local support for their tough counterinsurgency campaign. The airstrikes came at about the same time a rocket struck a house in a village to the west, reportedly killing 13 people. One of the homes that was attacked had only one wall standing, and looked ready to topple over. A blast ripped a hole through the middle of another. "If the foreign soldiers were so smart that they knew there were Taliban here, why didn't they see the women and children who were sleeping? Why do they want to kill us? How can they help us rebuild if they want to kill us? Maybe they should leave", a villager shouted. NATO's International Security Assistance Force said in a statement that October 18, 2006 operation in Kandahar was believed to have caused several civilian casualties. The alliance said the operation was meant to detain people involved in roadside bomb attacks in Panjwayi district, which borders Zhari District. NATO said it regretted any civilian casualties and that it makes every effort to minimize the risk of collateral damage.

*October 26, [2006] Between 40 and 60 villagers are killed in two separate night air raids, followed by mortar and rocket attacks against villages in the Panjwayi and Pashmul districts of Kandahar province. [ [ NATO Bombs Kill Scores of Afghan Civilians: Officials] ]

*November 16, 2006 UK troops shoot at a vehicle and kill two of its occupant, wounding a young girl, near Girish, in Helmand Province [ [ UK troops kill Afghan civilians] ]

*December 12, 2006 An elderly motorcyclist was shot and killed by Canadian troops in Kandahar [ [ Afghan accidentally killed by Canadian troops] ]


*January 12, 2007 Afghan police claim 13 civilians killed in a NATO airstrike in the Garmser district of Helmand Province. NATO claims "no evidence of any civilian casualties" [ [ NATO Occupation Forces Kill Afghan Civilians, Police Say] ]

*January 24, 2007 NATO troops fired at a vehicle which failed to stop in the Gereshk district of Helmand province. The bullets killed a passerby. [ [ NATO troops kill Afghan civilian accidentally] ]

*February 17, 2007 An unarmed man acting in a suspicious manner was shot and killed by Canadian troops near the village of Senjaray 12 km west of Kandahar [ [ CNEWS] ]

*February 17 2007 NATO troops shot and killed a civilian who was running through convoy near Kandahar [ [ Canadian troops kill unarmed Afghan civilian] ]

*February 18, 2007 Canadian troops mistakenly gunned down an Afghan National Police officer and a homeless beggar after their convoy was ambushed in Kandahar City late Sunday [ [ Canadian troops kill Afghan civilian, officer] ]

*February 27, 2007 Canadian troops fire at a Toyota car that failed to stop at a security cordon around a broken down Canadian vehicle in the Kandahar area. One occupant is killed, the other is wounded. No weapons or bombs were found. [ [ Canadian troops kill another Afghan civilian] ]

*March 4 2007, Approximately 16 civilians are killed and dozens are wounded by US marine gunfire on the road between Jalalabad and Pakistan after a bomb blast directed the marine convoy in what has become known as the Shinwar massacre. [ [ Civilians killed after attack on U.S. convoy in Afghanistan] ] [ [ U.S. Military Opens Inquiry Into Whether Marines Killed 10 Afghans After Attack on Convoy] ] In a March 14, 2007 article, the Afghan human rights commission alleged Marines put the number of victims at 12 people -- including a 4-year-old girl, a 1-year-old boy and three elderly villagers and stated the Marines used excessive force, as they shot at people as the y fled the scene of the bomb, even miles from the incident location. This report on killings of civilians in the Nangarhar Province is consistent with U.S. findings. The Marine commander and NCO were shipped back to the United States after this incident [cite news|title=Excessive Force By Marines Alleged|publisher=Washington Post|author=Ann Scott Tyson and Josh White|date=2007-04-14|url=]

*March 5 2007 Nine civilians, including five women and two to three children are killed when their home was destroyed by two convert|2000|lb|abbr=on bombs in the Nijrab district, in the Kapisa province, north of Kabul. The troops were responding to an attack that hit a Nato provincial reconstruction team. [ [ Nato strike kills Afghan civilians] ] [ [ Afghans killed 'in new US attack'] ]

*March 16 2007 Five Afghan policemen are killed by US troops at a checkpoint in a village near Gereshk, in Helmand Province. [ [ US denies Afghan police deaths] ] In later reports, the US denied its troops had been involved in the killings [ [ Afghans and U.S. Trade Charges in Death of 5 Police Officers] ]

*April 14 2007 A suicide bomber hits Afghan police by blowing himself up outside a police headquarters in the Khost Province, killing at least eight people, police have told. [ [ Suicide bomber hits Afghan police] ]

*April 29 2007 Six people including a woman and a teenage girl are killed by US and Afghan forces as they raided a suspected "car bomb cell" in the Bati Kot area of Nangarhar province, very close to the location of the March 4th 2007. Another woman and another teenage girl were wounded. incident. [ [ Afghan civilians killed in ‘car bomb' raid] ] [ [] ]

*May 1 2007 About 50 civilians, including women and children were killed by US and NATO bombings in Herat province of western Afghanistan during the preceding week. [ Afghans Say U.S. Bombing Killed 42 Civilians] ] [ [] ]

* May 9 2007 Between 21 and 38 civilians, including women and children are killed by a US Air Raid in the village of Soro, in the Sangin district of Helmand Province. Five homes were bombed after US Special Forces came under attack, an attack which cost the life of one US serviceman. [ [ 21 civilians said killed by Afghan air strike] ] [ [ Air raid 'kills Afghan civilians'] ] [ [ Afghan air raid kills civilians] ] [ [ 'The people who bombed us are bad guys'] ] [ [ Military confirms civilian casualties in Afghan battle] ] [ [ ABC News] ]

* May 31 2007 At least 15 civilians were killed by NATO forces in the Kajaki district of Helmand Province. [ [ 'Afghan civilians' killed by Nato] ]

*June 11 2007 Three civilians are killed by "NATO-Led Troops" troops in the Kunar Province as they approached a checkpoint in a vehicle. [ [ US strike 'kills Afghan police'] ]

*June 15, 2007 6 children are killed and 4 injured when a suicide bomber attacks a NATO convoy in Uruzgan province. Another civilian is killed in a crossfire in Helmand. [ [ 'Children dead' in Afghan bombing] ]

*June 18 2007 Seven children are killed in a US Air Strike directed at a compound in Zarghun Shah, in the Paktika province. Initially the US claimed they did not know that children were in the compounds but some U.S. officials confirmed that U.S. forces were indeed aware of the children's presence but military officials told NBC News that Abu Laith al Libi, an al-Qaida leader, was considered such a high-value target it was worth the risk that some children might become casualties of the attack. [ [ Children die in Afghan air raid] ] [ [ Attack that killed kids targeted al-Qaida leader] ]

*June 19 2007 10 civilians are killed in a US missile strike inside Pakistan [ [ 'Air strike' kills 30 in Pakistan] ] [ [ Waziristan blast casualties rise] ] [ [ NATO rules avoid Afghan civilian deaths - general] ] [ [] ]

*June 22 2007 About 25 civilians including 9 women and 3 children are killed in an air strike in the village of De Adam Khan, near the town of Gereshk in Helmand Province. [ [ Afghan police say 25 civilians killed in air strike] ] [ [ 'Afghans killed' in air strikes] ]

*June 24 2007 Two men on motorcycles were shot as they approached the site of an IED explosion against a British vehicle in which a British soldier was killed. This incident occurred near Lashkar Gahin, in Helmand Province. One of the two motrocyclists died, the other was wounded. [ [ Nato confirms shooting of Afghans] ]

*June 29 2007 Four civilian men were killed in a house by US troops who were looking for insurgents. An 85-year-old man, Mohammada Jan, two of his sons and a grandson had been killed by troops who first blew up the gate of house in the village of Nokrukhel in Sherzad district of Nangarhar province. [ [ Four killed in anti-Taleban raid] ] [ [ U.S. Account of Afghan Deaths at Odds With Head of Rights Group] ]

* June 29 2007 Between 50 and 80 civilians are killed by Air Strikes on the village of Hyderabad, in the Province of Hellmand in southern Afghanistan. [ [ US probes Afghan civilian deaths] ] [ [] ] [ [,,2115846,00.html 'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan] ] [ [,20867,22001913-2703,00.html Karzai probe into 'civilian air strike deaths'] ]

* July 07 2007 Villagers from Watapour in the Province of Kunar claim that about 35 civilians were killed by Air Strikes, 10 on July 5 and another 25 on the 7th when the funeral for the 10 was bombed [ [ Nato raids 'killed 35 Afghans'] ] [ [] ]

* August 02 2007 Many people, possibly in the hundreds, are reported wounded and killed by an air strike in the Baghran district of the Province of Helmand. [ [ Afghans 'wounded in air strike'] ] [ [ U.S. Airstrike on 2 Taliban Commanders in South Wounds at Least 18 Civilians, Afghans Say] ] [ [ Afghan civilians killed in air strike] ] [ [ US strike on Taliban heightens tension as Afghan leader heads for Camp David] ] [ [ 'Civilians dead' in Nato air raids] ] [ [ Radio Canada] ] [ [ Up to 300 Afghan civilians wounded in NATO air strike: report] ]

* September 19 2007 One Afghan civilian and several others wounded in a traffic collision with a Canadian convoy. [ [ Afghan civilian dead in accident with Canadian convoy] ]

* September 19 2007 Six civilians, women and children are killed by an airstrike in Helmand province. [ [ Une autre bavure de l'OTAN] ]

* September 23 2007 A US helicopter accidentally killed two policemen and three security guards during an anti-Taliban operation in Kunar Province. Eight more were injured. [ [,25197,22466399-12377,00.html US soldiers accidentally shoot policemen] ]

* October 2 2007 A man on a motorcycle is killed and a child riding behing him is wounded by Canadian troops in Kandahar [ [ Canadians kill Afghan civilian, wound child] ]

* October 23 2007 A child was found dead in a tent and four others found wounded after coalition forces fired on the tent from which they claimed they had received gunfire. [ [] ]

* November 15 2007 A man in a taxi is killed and another wounded when they were shot at in Kandahar by Canadian troops riding in a convoy [ [ Canadian troops involved in Afghan shooting death] ]

* November 28 2007 An Afghan official, Nuristan governor Tamim Nuristani, claims U.S.-led coalition troops killed 14 road construction workers in air strikes in eastern Afghanistan. This incident was confirmed by Sayed Noorullah Jalili, director of the Kabul-based road construction company Amerifa whose employees were killed in the bombing. [ [ Afghan officials say coalition air strikes killed road workers] ]


* January 24 2008 Nine or Ten Afghan policemen, and two civilians were killed by US Forces in the Ghazni province, 100 km south of Kabul [ [] ] [ [ US-led raid 'kills Afghan police'] ]

* January 30 2008 Three civilians showed up at a Kandahar hospital with gunshot wounds, claiming they had been shot at by a Canadian convoy. One of them later died of his injuries. [ [ Enquête sur une fusillade entre soldats canadiens et civils afghans] ] [ [] ] [ [] ]

* March 12 2008 The British government says its troops were responsible for an airstrike that killed two women and two children around Helmand. At least 10 others were injured. [ [ Ambush British airstrike kills Afghan civilians] ] [ [ Women and children killed in Afghanistan by British air strike] ]

* March 13 2008 Two women and two children are killed in Pakistan by cross border shelling fired by US forces in Afghanistan [ [ Pakistan protests at US shelling] ]

* March 19 2008 Several civilians are killed by US troops in Muqibel, a village of Khost province. [ [ Six civilians killed during US raid in Afghanistan] ]

* June 11 2008 At least 30 killed at 10 P.M. on Tuesday night, June 10, 2008, in the village of Ebrahim Kariz, Mata Khan district of Paktika Province. US forces launched an air and ground attack upon the village allegedly targeting a "militant hideout." Residents said that dozens of civilians were killed [ [ At least 30 Afghan Civilians Killed by US Forces] ]

* June 23 2008 A father and son were allegedly killed by gunfire from US-led soldiers, a governor and witnesses said. Around 200 people demonstrated in the Khogyani district of Nangarhar province. [ [ Afghans protest alleged civilian casualties by US forces] ]

* July 4 2008 23 civilians are killed by US air strikes the district of Waygal, in the province of Nouristan [ [ Afghan official says US-led air raid kills 22 civilians] ]

* July 6 2008 47 civilians attending a wedding (including the bride) are killed by US air strikes in Nangarhar province [ [ US 'killed 47 Afghan civilians'] ]

* July 14 2008 Officials in Nuristan province said almost 30 defenseless civilians have been reportedly killed during NATO-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) airstrike in Want-Waigal district of the eastern province. ISAF denies the claim [ [ 30 civilians killed in Nuristan: officials] ] [ [] ]

* July 15 2008 US Forces admit to killing eight civilians in the Bakwa district of Farah province. They bombed a number of houses from which they were receiving fire. [ Doubts over US Afghan operation] ]

* July 17 2008 Dozens of civilians are reported killed and injured by air strikes in the Shindand district of Herat province.

* July 20 2008 Thirteen civilians are killed in two separate incidents: nine policemen were killed by a US Air Strikes in the Ana Darreh district of Farah province. In the second episode, a NATO statement said, at least four civilians were accidentally killed and four other civilians wounded in mortar strikes by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in the eastern province of Paktika. The deaths of an additional three people had not been confirmed, the statement said. [ [ U.S. and NATO Forces Kill 13 Afghans in Strikes Said to Be Mistakes] ] [ [ U.S.-led troops mistakenly kill Afghan police, civilians] ]

* July 26 2008 British troops opened fire on a vehicle that failed to stop at a checkpoint in the Sangin district of Helmand province, killing four and injuring three. [ [ UK troops kill Afghan civilians] ]

* July 27 2008 Canadian troops opened fire on a vehicle that came too close to a Canadian convoy in Kandahar. A two year old girl and her four year old brother were killed and the father of the two children was wounded. [ [ Canadian troops kill 2 children after car nears convoy] ] [ [ 2 children killed by Canadian troops in Afghanistan] ]

* August 7 2008 US troops "inadvertently" killed four women and a child in an exchange of fire in an area of central Ghazni province. [ [ Civilian deaths in Afghan battle] ]

* August 10 2008 Eight hostages held by the insurgents are killed by a coalition Air Strike in Uruzgan province. [ [ Kabul suicide bombing caps bloody weekend in Afghanistan] ]

* August 16 2008 Four civilians were killed by a British rocket attack against a compound in the Sangin district of Helmand province. Three others were wounded. The casualties included women and children. [ [] ] [ [ UK troops kill Afghan civilians] ]

* August 21 2008 The Afghan Interior Ministry reported that U.S. coalition bombs had killed up to 95 (up from 76) civilians, including 60 children, in an airstrike on Azizabad, a village in the Shindand district of Herat province. [ [ Kabul says 76 civilians killed in coalition attack] ] [ [ Afghanistan criticises US attack] ] [ [ Afghan Leader Assails Airstrike He Says Killed 95] ] [ [ Afghans urge coalition military changes] ]

* August 31 2008 Three children are killed by ISAF-fired artillery shells in the Gayan district of Paktika province. Seven other civilians were wounded. [ [ Afghan children die in Nato raid] ]

* September 01 2008 A man and his two young children are killed in a night raid on his home in Kabul. His wife is injured. [ [ Afghan family killed in house raid] ] [ [ Afghans protest against continuous civilian death by International troops] ]

* September 9 2008At least two Afghan civilians have been killed and 10 wounded in an air strike by Nato-led forces in the eastern province of Khost, Nato officials say. [ [ Nato raid kills Afghan civilians] ] [ [ 2 killed, 10 injured in Afghanistan by errant NATO bomb] ]

* September 18 2008 Canadian soldiers in a convoy fire at a civilian truck in Kandahar, killing one of the occupants. [ [ Man dies after Canadian troops fire on Afghan civilian truck] ]

* September 29 2008 A British shot and killed a civilian on a motorbike at a checkpoint near the Forward Operating Base Inkermanin in the Sangin district of Helmand province. [ [ UK soldier shoots Afghan civilian] ]

ee also

* Afghanistan War order of battle
* British forces casualties in Afghanistan
* Canadian Forces casualties in Afghanistan
* Coalition casualties in Afghanistan
* International Security Assistance Force
* List of Coalition aircraft losses in Afghanistan
* Operation Medusa
* Operation Mountain Fury
* U.S. government response to the September 11, 2001 attacks
* Soviet war in Afghanistan
* Taliban insurgency
* War in Afghanistan (2001–present)

External links

* [ The Afghan Victim Memorial Project]


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  • Civilian casualties in the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) — The decade long War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has caused the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians directly from insurgent and foreign military action, as well as the deaths of possibly tens of thousands of Afghan civilians indirectly as a… …   Wikipedia

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