

Infobox Newspaper
name = Haaretz

caption = Haaretz newspaper, front page of Hebrew and English editions
type = Daily Newspaper
format = Berliner
foundation = 1919
political = liberal left-wing
ceased publication =
price =
owners = Schocken Family
publisher =
editor = David Landau until April, 2008
Dov Alfon from April, 2008 [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/953634.html Dov Alfon named as new Haaretz editor-in-chief - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
chiefeditor =
assoceditor = Tami Litani
staff =
language = Hebrew & English editions
circulation = 72,000
(Weekends: 100,000)
headquarters = flagicon|Israel Tel Aviv, Israel
oclc =
website = http://www.haaretz.co.il

Audio|He-Haaretz.ogg|"Haaretz" ( _he. הארץ, "The land", referring to the Land of Israel), founded in 1918, is Israel's oldest daily newspaper. It is published in Hebrew in Berliner format. Haaretz English Edition is the translated English edition of the paper. In Israel, it is published and sold together with the "International Herald Tribune." In North America, it comes out as a weekly newspaper, combining articles from the Friday edition with a roundup from the rest of the week. Both the Hebrew and English editions of "Haaretz" can be read on the Internet.

Compared to other mass circulation papers printed in Israel, especially "Maariv" and "Yedioth Ahronoth", the headlines and print in "Haaretz" are smaller, less space is devoted to pictures, and the articles more analytical. Its editorial pages are considered more influential among government leaders. [cite journal |last=Beckerman |first=Gal |year=2005 |month=September/October |title=Disengaged |journal=Columbia Journalism Review |url=http://cjrarchives.org/issues/2005/5/beckerman.asp |accessdate= 2007-06-21] Apart from the news, "Haaretz" publishes feature articles on social and environmental issues, as well as book reviews, investigative reporting and political commentary.

The Hebrew edition has a core readership of 65,000. The English edition is subscribed to by 15,000 readers (though many more readers are only website visitors). A weekly edition is available in print in North America. [cite news|url=https://www.haaretz.co.il/hasen/objects/pages/SubscribeEn.jhtml |title= Subscribe to Haaretz |author=Haaretz |publisher=Haaretz |date=2007-10-26 ] cite news|url=http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070924/glain |title=Ha'aretz, Israel's Liberal Beacon |author=Stephen Glazin |publisher=The Nation |date=2007-09-06 ] The newspaper itself has reported a paid subscribership of 65,000, daily sales of 72,000 copies daily, and 100,000 on weekends. [Haaretz service. [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/953634.html Dov Alfon named as new Haaretz editor-in-chief.] "Haaretz", Feb 13, 2008.]

"Haaretz"'s readership includes Israel's middle and upper classes, intellectuals, academics, and professionals. It has a wide following amongst the Israeli intelligentsia and government leaders, [Dan Caspi. "Media Decentralization: The Case of Israel's Local Newspapers". Transaction Publishers, 1986. ISBN 0887380204] [Motti Regev, Edwin Seroussi. "Popular Music and National Culture in Israel". University of CaliforniaPress, 2004. ISBN 0520236521.] [Rebecca L. Torstrick. "Culture and Customs of Israel". Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. ISBN 0313320918.] and "Encyclopædia Britannica" describes it as Israel's most influential newspaper. [ [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/250682/Haaretz Encyclopædia Britannica] ]


"Haaretz" was first published in 1918 as a newspaper sponsored by the British military government in Palestine. [ [http://www.tau.ac.il/institutes/bronfman/contents.html TAU- Institute of Jewish Press and Communications- The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Center ] ] In 1919 it was taken over by Russian Zionists. Initially, it was called "Hadashot Ha'aretz" ("News of the Land"). The literary section of the paper attracted the leading Hebrew writers of the time. [ Encyclopedia Judaica, "Newspapers, Hebrew," vol. 12, Keter Books, Jerusalem, 1978] It was first published in Jerusalem, but moved to Tel Aviv in 1923, under the editorship of Moshe Gluecksohn, who served as editor from 1922 to 1937. [http://www.tau.ac.il/education/arch/e-reka23.doc] Salman Schocken, a wealthy German Jewish Zionist who owned a chain of department stores in Germany, bought the paper in 1937. His son, Gershom Schocken, became the chief editor and held that position until 1990. [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=209509&contrassID=2&subContrassID=4&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y A newspaper's mission - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]

Editorial policy

"Haaretz" describes itself as having a broadly liberal outlook both on domestic issues and on international affairs. [Haaretz.com. [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=51345&contrassID=61&subContrassID=0&sbSubContrassID=0 About Haaretz.] Accessed July 24, 2008.] It is described as liberal, [Dan Caspi. [http://books.google.com/books?id=JTgj0YnxRkIC&pg=PA16&dq=haaretz+liberal+newspaper&ei=ybuISIGnJYf8jgGbtIGCBg&sig=ACfU3U3AKRzMHMWSlwU-UyZrcaTKGpYgNA Media Decentralization: The Case of Israel's Local Newspapers.] Transaction Publishers, 1986.] [Ira Sharkansky. [http://books.google.com/books?id=yOfJoCpiMf4C&pg=PA101&dq=haaretz+liberal+newspaper&ei=ybuISIGnJYf8jgGbtIGCBg&sig=ACfU3U2XZmhD8b1ZCb0rNwUpgPCffqdveQ "The Politics of Religion and the Religion of Politics: Looking at Israel"] . Lexington Books, 2000.] [Rebecca L. Torstrick. [http://books.google.com/books?id=amvQP0MzxRwC&pg=PA71&dq=haaretz+liberal+newspaper&ei=ybuISIGnJYf8jgGbtIGCBg&sig=ACfU3U2uxoZ-1gtcwMZoeTUteFo5yT8Z7Q "Culture and Customs of Israel"] . Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006] [Idith Zertal, Chaya Galai. [http://books.google.com/books?id=bQEAmjk4Wh0C&pg=PA218&dq=haaretz+liberal+newspaper&lr=&ei=hb6ISLaSIIa2jgHXyvXoAQ&sig=ACfU3U0GS3_ck46Q-Uk_QAV7TYXyFsGTLA "Israel's Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood"] . Cambridge University Press, 2005] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/middle_east/2583675.stm BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli media vents fury at Likud ] ] "left-leaning", [ [http://www.mondotimes.com/1/world/il/235/4739/12153 Haaretz - newspaper in Tel Aviv, Israel covering local news ] ] and left-wing, [ [http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2007/01/31/israels_olmert_looks_to_extend_west_bank_barrier/ Israel's Olmert looks to extend West Bank barrier - Boston.com ] ] [ [http://www.thejewishpress.com/displaycontent_new.cfm?contentid=28406&mode=a&sectionid=14&contentname=The_Schwarzschild_Award&recnum=1 The Schwarzschild Award ] ] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3451497.stm BBC NEWS | Middle East | Sharon orders Gaza pullout plan ] ] [ [http://www.reuters.com/article/featuredCrisis/idUSL24528048 Israeli authors urge ceasefire talks with Hamas | Reuters ] ] [ [http://www.economist.com/books/displaystory.cfm?story_id=E1_RGNGSVV New Arab fiction | Exile is another country | Economist.com ] ] [ [http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/mideast/palestine/3706.html Most Israelis back unilateral West Bank Pullout ] ] although the paper takes a moderate position with respect to foreign policy and security issues. [cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4969714.stm |title=The press in Israel |publisher=bbc.co.uk |date=8 May 2006 |accessdate=2008-02-14] [David Newman, [http://www.worldpress.org/Mideast/634.cfm Israel: The Myth of Left-Wing Media Control] , "World Press Review", August 2002.] Its op-ed pages are open to a wide variety of political opinions. [cite news| url=http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/905836.html |title=A sketch, in black and white |author=Yossi Klein |publisher=Haaretz |date=September 25, 2007 |accessdate= 2007-09-26] A 2003 study in the "The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics" found that Haaretz' reporting was more favorable to Israelis than to Palestinians, and was more likely to report stories from the Israeli side. [Matt Viser. Attempted objectivity: An analysis of the New York Times and Ha'aretz and their portrayals of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. "The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics." 2003, Vol. 8, No. 4, 114-120.] The pro-Israel media-monitoring and advocacy group CAMERA claims that "Haaretz" is often quoted by anti-Israel commentators. In a CAMERA conference in October 2007, executive director Andrea Levin was quoted saying in a critical speech highlighting the influence of Haaretz that "No other newspaper in Israel matters [internationally] because Haaretz is an elite publication and it has such an amazing English-language website. It is read by millions around the world." [cite news|url=http://www.philipweiss.org/mondoweiss/2007/10/the-israel-lobb.html |title= The Israel Lobby Targets Haaretz |author=Iraq comes home: the war of ideas, by Philip Weiss |publisher=Mondoweiss|date=2007-10-23 ] [cite news| url=http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=55&x_article=171 |title=Ha'aretz Fuels Anti-Israel Bias |author=Andrea Levin |publisher= Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America |date=2001-08-06 |accessdate=2007-10-14 ] while "The Nation" describes "Haaretz" as "Israel's liberal beacon," citing its editorials voicing opposition to the occupation, the security fence, discriminatory treatment of Arab citizens, and the mindset that led to Second Lebanon War.


The newspaper's editorial policy was defined by Gershom Gustav Schocken, who was editor-in-chief from 1939 to 1990. "Haaretz" is owned by the Schocken family. The editor of the paper today is Dov Alfon, replacing David Landau in April 2008. Landau succeeded Hanoch Marmari [Hanoch Marmari speaks about "Haaretz"] and Yoel Esteron in April 2004. Adar Primor was the editor of "Haaretz" English Edition from 2005-2007. Charlotte Halle became managing editor of the English Edition in 2007 and editor of the English Edition in February 2008.

In August 2006, DuMont Schauberg acquired 25 percent of the shares of the "Haaretz" group. This German publisher, based in Cologne, owns four daily newspapers and a dozen other publications. It is also a partial owner of various radio stations. The deal was negotiated with the help of former Israeli ambassador to Germany Avi Primor. According to the CEO of the "Haaretz" group Amos Schocken, the proceeds from the sale will allow the company to augment its stake at Walla!, an Israeli Internet site.

Internet editions

"Haaretz" operates both Hebrew [ [http://www.haaretz.co.il חדשות, ידיעות מהארץ והעולם - עיתון הארץ ] ] and English [ [http://www.haaretz.com Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel, Israeli News Source ] ] language websites. Some articles on both websites are open to readers' comments in the form of Internet talkback, which sometimes degenerate into mudslinging and racial slurs. "Haaretz"'s policy on talkback is more tolerant than many other papers, in line with its belief in freedom of expression. As Fania Oz-Salzberger, a frequent contributor to the "Haaretz" opinion pages, put it: "It is possible and important to grapple with virtual evil, but not by silencing it. It is better to do so intelligently and with humor, in the same public space where it first saw the light of day - on the Internet itself. This is because sunshine, as American-Jewish Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis said, is the best disinfectant." [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/880096.html The democratization of evil - Haaretz - Israel News ] ] Others, among them Haaretz's Bradley Burston, feel that talkback should be censored. [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/790722.html Ten ways to make sure that peace stays dead - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]

Gadi Lahav is director of content the Haaretz Group online editions, which as well as Haaretz.com and Haaretz.co.il also includes the entertainment guide Mouse.co.il. Liron Meroz is the editor of Haaretz.co.il and Sara Miller is the editor of Haaretz.com.

Internet blogs and columns

* Israeli President Shimon Peres blogs exclusively for Haaretz.com [http://www.haaretz.com/peres] . [cite news|url=http://www.haaretz.com/peres |title= Peres Online |author=Haaretz Online, Shimon Peres |publisher=Haaretz|date=2007-11-07 ]

* Rosner's Domain [http://www.haaretz.com/rosner] , by Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Chief U.S. Correspondent. [cite news|url=http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerBlog.jhtml?itemNo=618587&listSrc=Y&onlyOne=Y |title= Shmuel Rosner - biography |author=Haaretz Online, Shmuel Rosner |publisher=Haaretz|date=2007-11-09 ] Rosner discusses Israeli, American Jewish and Zionist issues in the United States. His column "The Israel Factor" ranks U.S. presidential candidates in the light of how beneficial they are for Israel [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerPage.jhtml] . Another column, "Rosner's Guest," features interviews with personalities in the United States. [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerGuest.jhtml?itemNo=816890] Rosner's Domain was removed from the Ha'aretz website following the sudden replacement of Mr. Rosner by Mrs. Natasha Mozgovaya in August 2008. In September 2008 it remained unclear whether the former US correspondent would continue at all working for the newspaper.

* A Special Place in Hell is Bradley Burston's twice-weekly award-winning [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/762913.html] blog on Haaretz.com. Burston's blog posts frequently draw a large number of responses from readers around the world.

Notable journalists


* Ruth Almog- literature, publicist
* Noam Ben Ze'ev - music critic
* Aluf Benn - diplomatic affairs correspondent
* Meron Benvenisti - political columnist
* Bradley Burston - political columnist [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/762913.html Haaretz.com senior editor Bradley Burston wins award for Mideast journalism - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
* Akiva Eldar - diplomatic affairs analyst [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/909483.html Haaretz correspondent Akiva Eldar wins Mideast journalism award - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
* Lily Galili
* Avirama Golan
* Michael Handelzalts - theater critic, columnist
* Amos Harel - military correspondent
* Amira Hass - Ramallah-based Palestinian affairs correspondent.
* Avi Issacharoff - military correspondent
* Sayed Kashua - satiric columnist, author
* Yitzhak Laor - publicist
* Gideon Levy - Palestinian affairs columnist.
* Tami Litani
* Yoel Marcus - political commentator, publicist [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/922255.html Fellow journalists to honor Haaretz commentator Yoel Marcus in Eilat - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
* Yossi Melman - intelligence
* Amir Oren - military affairs
* Ran Reznick - health issues [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/917773.html Haaretz reporters Klein, Reznick win Sokolov Award for Journalism - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
* Tsafrir Rinat - environmental issues
* Daniel Rogov - food and wine critic
* Doron Rosenblum - satirist, publicist
* Natasha Mozgovaya - chief U.S. correspondent
* Danny Rubinstein - Former Arab affairs analyst. Currently contributes to the new economic daily, Calcalist.
* Yossi Sarid - retired politician, publicist
* Tom Segev - historian, political commentator
* Ruth Sinai - social welfare and humanitarian issues
* Ari Shavit - political columnist [http://www.indopubs.com/is4.html]
* Yair Sheleg - Jewish religious affairs [ [http://www.nathancummings.org/jewish/special2.htm Special Report ] ]
* Nehemia Shtrasler - economic affairs, publicist
* Ze'ev Sternhell- political commentary
* Yossi Verter - political reporter
* Esther Zandberg - architecture
* Benny Ziffer - literature, publicist
* Uri Klein- film critic
* Doram Gaunt - food critic
* Zeev Segal - legal affairs
* Dov Alfon - incoming editor-in-chief, 2008


* Natan Alterman
* Yoram Bronowski - literary critic, TV critic
* Amos Elon - correspondent, editor, writer
* Ze'ev Schiff - military and defense analyst
* Arie Caspi [(http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/905834.html)]
* Gideon Samet - political commentator [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/998758.html The long goodbye - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]
* Ehud Asheri [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/960394.html Haaretz journalist Ehud Asheri dies of cancer at 57 - "Haaretz" - Israel News ] ]
* Daniel Ben Simon [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/992378.html Daniel Ben-Simon: Why I'm leaving journalism for politics - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]


On weekdays, "Haaretz" comes with several supplements containing feature articles, columns, television and radio listings and a Sudoku puzzle. Other supplements included during the week are:

* All week -
** News (including Op-Ed, political commentary)
** Gallery (Culture and entertainment, television and radio listings)
** TheMarker (business supplement)

* Sunday - Sports (extended)
* Wednesday - Books
* Friday -
** Extended News
** Musaf Haaretz (weekend magazine)
** Culture and Literature
** Real Estate
** Local news


* Le Figaro, page 20, August 14 2006 (DuMont Schauberg's purchase of 25 percent of shares of the "Haaretz" group)

ee also

*List of newspapers in Israel

External links

* [http://www.haaretz.com Haaretz (English)]
* [http://www.haaretz.co.il Haaretz (Hebrew)]
* [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/objects/pages/RegisterEngInfo.jhtml Haaretz English Editions]
* [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=51345&contrassID=2&subContrassID=0&sbSubContrassID=0 About Haaretz]
* [http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1192380752316&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Shame on 'Haaretz'] - by ISI LEIBLER

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