Iowa Democratic Party

Iowa Democratic Party
Iowa Democratic Party
Chairman Sue Dvorsky
House leader Kevin M. McCarthy Minority leader
Senate leader Jeff Danielson President Pro Tempore, Mike Gronstal Majority Leader
Founded 1836
Ideology Progressivism
American Liberalism
National affiliation Democratic Party
Official colors Blue
Political position Fiscal: Centre-left
Social: Center-left
Seats in the US Senate
1 / 2
Seats in the US House
3 / 5
Seats in the IA Senate
26 / 50
Seats in the IA House
40 / 100
IA statewide offices held
2 / 7

The Iowa Democratic Party is the local branch of the Democratic Party in the state of Iowa.


Current elected officials

Senator Tom Harkin

Iowa Democrats are in control of the Iowa Senate, one of the state's United States Senate seats, and three out of the state's five United States House of Representatives seats. They hold a minority of the seats in the Iowa House of Representatives.

Members of congress

U.S. Senate

U.S. House of Representatives

Statewide offices

Prominent former elected officials

Chet Culver speaking


Harold E. Hughes 36th Governor of Iowa January 17, 1963-January 1, 1969 Tom Vilsack 40th Governor of Iowa January 15,1999- January 12, 2007 Chet Culver 41st Governor of Iowa January 12, 2007-January 14, 2011


Harold E. Hughes January 3, 1969-January 3, 1975

Party leadership

Sue Dvorsky is the Iowa Democratic Party Chair and has held the position since June 2010.[2]

Iowa caucuses

Barack Obama strolls the Iowa State fairgrounds - Aug. 16th 2007

Considered the official start of the Presidential election season. The Iowa Caucuses have been the first official votes casted in the Democratic Presidential nomination process since 1972. [3]

Past Winners (Excluding incumbents)

2008: Barack Obama-Eventual party nominee

2004: John Kerry-Eventual party nominee

2000: Al Gore-Eventual party nominee

1992:Tom Harkin

1988:Dick Gephardt

1984:Walter Mondale-Eventual party nominee


1972: "Uncommitted"

Party platform and legislative positions

Party platform

The Iowa Democratic Party adopted its platform on June 12, 2011 [4]

Top seven planks

In the order of votes received from Democratic delegates seven issues were chosen based on the number of votes received. The first plank is the opposition to corporate personhood. The second plank is the support of a single-payer health care for the United States. The third plank is opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act. The fourth plank states that the Party supports the separation of church and state. The fifth plank supports energy independence by using renewable and eco-sustainable resources from Iowa. The sixth plank supports removing the cap on Social Security contributions and the seventh plank supports repealing "right to work" laws.

Platform stances
Civil rights

The Iowa Democratic Party supports 1.Marriage Equality or Gay Marriage 2.Habeas Corpus 3.Affirmative Action 4. Title IX


The IDP supports 1. Revoking tax breaks for and imposing heavy tax penalties on corporations sending jobs out of the country 2. Legalizing, taxing, regulating marijuana 3. Expanding “Earned Income Tax Credits” eligibility

Social Security

The IDP supports 1. Removing cap on Social Security contributions. 2. Honoring federal budget obligations to “Social Security Trust Fund”. 3. Social Security benefits for married same-sex couples

Gun regulation

The IDP supports 1. Fair, responsible, reasonable gun ownership. 2. Banning private ownership of assault-style weapons

Agriculture and the environment

The IDP supports 1. Energy independence with locally-owned renewable, eco-sustainable sources. 2. Carbon/mercury sequestration; safe storage/disposal of coal ash and hazardous nuclear waste. 3. Cap and trade on carbon dioxide emissions; fines on excess. 4. National smart-grid with standardized interconnect agreement. 5. Net-metering, front-end loaded and declining for consumer investment of renewable energy production. 6. Improved “Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency” standards for all vehicles. 7. Green public transportation. 8. Passage of “Land and Water Legacy Constitutional Amendment”. 9. Industrial hemp production

Legislative positions

Iowa Democrats support President Obama's job plans and are urging their Republican colleagues to back the proposal. [5] Chair of the Education committee State Senator Herman Quirmback (D-Ames) spoke favorably about Iowa Democrats supporting Governor Terry Branstad's education proposals.

Legislative accomplishments

Civil rights

Governor Tom Vilsack issued a governor's order in 2005 that restored voting rights to felons who completed serving their sentences. The order's anticipated result would be returning the right to vote to over 80,000 Iowans. [6] In 2011 Governor Terry Branstand rescinded this order. [7]


The Governor also signed a governor's order in 2000 that created the Iowa Food Policy Council. [8]

Social issues

In 2007 Governor Chet Culver signed legislation easing limitations on stem cell research. [9]

Jobs program

Later in 2009 and 2010 Governor Culver signed into law $875 million dollars to go towards the I-Jobs program. [10] Analysis from both Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Southern Illinois University estimate that through 2011 the I-Jobs program will create 32,000-36,000 jobs. [11]

Renewable energy

Governor Chet Culver signed legislation in 2007 that created the Iowa Power Fund. [12] The fund spent a total of $70 million dollars on 49 projects related to renewable energy. The largest project dealt with experimenting with cellulosic ethanol at an ethanol plant in Emmetsburg, Iowa. In June 2011 the project was ended by Governor Terry Branstad. [13]

Military and veterans

Governor Chet Culver's first Executive Order in 2007 orders that the United States flag be flown at half staff to honor members of the Iowa National Guard, Iowa Air National Guard, or resident of Iowa who was serving as a member of the U.S. military and was killed in the line of duty. [14] In 2010 Governor Chet Culver signed House File 2532 which allows benefits paid for by the Veterans Trust Fund to be exempted from individual income taxes. [15]

Current political strength

Presidential level

Democrats at the residential level have had consistent success in Iowa since 1988. With the exception of the 2004 presidential election, when George W. Bush carried the state's electoral votes, Iowa's electoral votes have gone to the Democratic candidate in every election. This reversed the trend of the previous twenty years, when Republicans had consistent success in Iowa's presidential elections. In the most recent election in 2008, Barack Obama carried the state with 54% to John McCain's 44.7%.

Congressional level

Senator Tom Harkin has been Iowa's junior U.S. Senator since 1985, serving alongside Republican Chuck Grassley.

In the 2006 U.S. House elections, Democrats captured Iowa's 1st congressional district and Iowa's 2nd congressional district from the Republican Party, which had controlled both districts for over three decades.

State level

Iowa Democrats held the Governor's office from 1999 to 2011. In 1999, Democrat Tom Vilsack was elected governor and served two terms. Following Vilsack's decision to not run for reelection then-Secretary of State Chet Culver ran in 2006 and won. However, in 2010, Republican Terry Branstad defeated Culver 52.9% to 43.3%.

Registered voters

As of July 2010 about 700,000 Iowans are registered Democrats compared to around 645,000 Republicans. Voters claiming independent outnumber both parties at just under 750,000 voters. [16]

History and past political strength

The Democratic Party existed in what is present day Iowa when it was still part of the Wisconsin Territory in 1836. [17] During the first election held in the territory Democrat Col G.W. Jones won 66% of the vote and the Whig candidate won just 57 votes in the county that today is the State of Iowa. [18] Iowa entered the union in 1846 and its first governor was Ansel Briggs. That same year Iowa would send its first two Representatives to Congress, both Democrats. [19] Two years later the Iowa Legislature would send two Democrats to represent Iowa in the United States Senate. However, with the rise of the Republican Party of Iowa, Iowa Democrats had very little political power for nearly a century. With the exception of the late 1890s and 1930s, during the Great Depression, Iowa Democrats did not became a major political force until the 1950s with the coordination of unions in Iowa's largest cities. Demographic changes in the 1940's and 50's helped lay a foundation for Democratic success. During World War Two thousands of Iowans flocked to large cities to take advantage of war time jobs. By 1960 more Iowans resided in urban areas than rural areas. [20] Iowa's industrial areas were not concentrated in one town, but spread out over the state's 15 largest cities. Along with industry developing across the state this led to Democratic strongholds spreading across Iowa as well. This demographic change translated into Democratic success first in Iowa's largest city Des Moines. There Democrats identified and registered thousands of new supporters. In 1954 Democrats "won control of the Polk County Board of Supervisors, every county administrative seat, and [...] all of Polk County's state legislative seats. [21] Taking advantage of internal Republican strife and backing from organized labor Democrat Herschel Loveless won an upset victory against incumbent Republican Governor Leo Hoegh in the 1956 election. Two years later Loveless would win reelection and Democrats would capture 50 State House members, 12 State Senators, and 4 Congressional Seats.[22] In 1960 Iowa's Government would revert back to Republican control. However, during the 1960's and 70's Iowa Democrats used their success in Polk County as model that was repeated across Iowa in organizing Democratic supporters. While Democrats would suffer large defeats in 1966 and 1968 Governor Hughes would go on to win three terms in office. Democrats were able to rebound electorally in the 1970's in part to John C. Culver and Richard C. Clark. They accomplished this by used computer models in a precinct by precinct basis to run issue driven campaigns. [23] Both would be elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, respectfully. Republicans would once again regain party dominance in the late 1970's, but Democrats remained a competitive party in Iowa.

Presidential level

Democratic Presidential candidates were historically unsuccessful in capturing the state's electoral votes. In fact the Republican Party's Presidential nominee would capture Iowa's electoral votes from 1856-1908. Democrat Woodrow Wilson would win Iowa in the 1912 Presidential Election. Twenty years would pass before another Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, would win the state. With the exception of Lyndon B. Johnson's landslide election win in the 1964 Presidential Election the Democratic nominee for President would not win Iowa's electoral votes from 1952-1984. Since the 1988 Presidential Election Democrats have had success in capturing Iowa's electoral votes.

Congressional level

Iowa Democrats were largely locked out of power at the national level until the 1930's. No Iowa Democrat served more than one term in the U.S. Senate until Guy Mark Gillette was elected in 1936. With Guy Gillette's defeat in 1944 Iowa Democrats wouldn't control a U.S. Senate seat till the election of Harold Hughes in 1969. Since 1985 Democrat Tom Harkin and Republican Chuck Grassley have each held a U.S. Senate seat.

Harold E. Hughes

State level

In 1957 Herschel C. Loveless would break nearly two decades of Republican control by being elected Governor. Two years later he was reelected to a second term. In 1963 Harold Hughes was elected Governor of Iowa and would serve from 1963-1969. On January 1, 1969 Hughes resigned to take the U.S. Senate seat he had just won making his Lieutenant Governor, Robert D. Fulton, Governor. Fulton would be the last Democratic Governor of Iowa until Tom Vilsack was elected in 1999.


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  17. ^ Iowa Journal of History, Volume 6. The State Historical Society of Iowa. 1908. 
  18. ^ Iowa Journal of History, Volume 6 pg. 7
  19. ^ Iowa Journal of History, Volume 6 pg.51
  20. ^ Larew, James (1980). A Party Reborn: The Democrats of Iowa. Iowa State Historical Department Division Of The State Historical Society. ISBN 0-89033-002-6. 
  21. ^ A Party Reborn pg. 45
  22. ^ A Party Reborn pg. 63
  23. ^ A Party Reborn pg.74

See also

External links

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