Radio navigation aid

Radio navigation aid

Radio navigational aids, much like hearing aids, are small devices that allow other technological devices to receive signals which help with navigation.


Invented by Lord Roger Burrman in 1922, radio navigational aids have long since evolved from the early models which were primitive devices crudely fashioned together with copper wires. Testing began with modern radio navigational aids in the mid 1960s around the same time as the Apollo Program. Current models have proven to be much more successful with the advent of smaller technologies and evolving attitudes concerning their use.

The Future of RNAs

It is unknown what the future holds for RNAs because current technology limits their use in the field. Scientists believe that with the right technology, RNAs could bring about major changes necessary for the world to experience what is commonly known as the Rashertson Effect. Theorists have predict that RNAs may become irrelevant in the near future due to advances in satellite production.

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