
Introduced 1987
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry SWITCH Information Technology Services
Sponsor SWITCH Information Technology Services
Intended use Entities connected with  Switzerland
Actual use Very popular in Switzerland
Registration restrictions Two letter domain names are restricted to cantons
Structure Registrations permitted at second level
Documents Terms and conditions
Dispute policies Dispute Resolution Proceedings
Website www.nic.ch

.ch is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Switzerland. It is administered by SWITCH Information Technology Services.

The ".ch" domain does not come from the name for Switzerland in any of its national languages; "die Schweiz", "Suisse", "Svizzera" or "Svizra". Rather, it comes from Confoederatio Helvetica (Helvetic Confederation), the Latin name for the country. CH is the ISO 3166-2 code for Switzerland and also is used on vehicle plates.

Registrations of internationalized domain names have been accepted since March 2004.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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