
Introduced 1989
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry NIC México
Sponsor ITESM
Intended use Entities connected with  Mexico
Actual use No nexus/presence requirement is enforced, but most use is in Mexico
Registered domains 414,401 (Apr 2010)[1]
Registration restrictions None for .mx nor .com.mx; other subdomains may have restrictions
Structure Second-level registrations after October 31, 2009; registration at third level beneath generic-category 2nd level domains
Dispute policies LDRP
Website nic.mx

.mx is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mexico, which recently has been re-opened to new registrations by NIC México[2]. In 2009, The .mx ccTLD will be rolled out in 3 steps[3]:

  • Sunrise Period from May 1 to July 31, 2009, waiting period, registrants who have already registered any another .MX second-level domain would be able to register their domain for 1 year
  • Waiting period from August 1 to August 31, 2009, to set up the domains registered in the Sunrise Period, and to resolve domain name disputes
  • Initial Registration Period from September 1 to October 31, 2009, in this part the registration will be done with the policy First-come, first-served and only for 1 year with a special set of prices.

After the three phases, .MX registrations will be open for the public.

Second-level domains

Up to August 2009 domain registrations besides .MX, consist of third-level names beneath second-level names which parallel some of the top-level domains:

  • .com.mx: Commercial entities (actually unrestricted, like .com)
  • .net.mx: Network providers (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • .org.mx: Non-profit organizations (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • .edu.mx: Educational institutions (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • .gob.mx: Federal, State or Municipal Governmental entities only (.gob derives from the Spanish word for government: "Gobierno")

Currently second level domains can be registered directly under .mx.[4]

On April 30, 2009, second level domain registrations were 0.06% of the total. A month later the value was up to 4.9% On April 30, 2010, second level registrations were 21.4% of the total.[1]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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